Famous Charts
Sidereal Vedic Horoscopes
Search your favorite celebrity or public figure and explore their birth chart horoscope using the Sidereal Zodiac. Also known as the “true sky,” Sidereal placements provide an accurate and karmic depiction of their cosmic blueprint. Precise birth times reveal the Ascendant, while charts without a known time can be interpreted from the Moon using a general time of 12:00 pm.

Candace Owens
Born: 29 April 1989
White Plains, New York
Candace Owens (born 1989) is a conservative author, political commentator, and activist known for her controversial views and social media presence. She's become a prominent voice in conservative media and political activism.

Ascendant: Cancer, Pushya
Sun: Aries, Bharani
Moon: Capricorn, Dhanishta
Mars: Gemini, Mrigashira
Mercury: Taurus, Krittika
Jupiter: Taurus, Rohini
Venus: Aries, Bharani
Saturn: Sagittarius, Purva Ashadha
Rahu: Aquarius, Shatabhisha
Ketu: Leo, Magha
Uranus: Sagittarius, Moola
Neptune: Sagittarius, Purva Ashadha
Pluto: Libra, Vishakha