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Famous Charts
Sidereal Vedic Horoscopes

Dr. Mehemet Oz
Born: 11 June 1960
12:00 (Unknown Time)
Cleveland, Ohio

Sun: Taurus, Mrigashira 

Moon: Sagittarius - U.Shad. 

Mars: Aries - Ashwini 

Mercury: Gemini - Punarvasu 

Jupiter: Sagittarius - Moola 

Venus: Taurus - Mrigashira 

Saturn: Sagittarius - P.Shad. 

Rahu: Leo - P.Phalg. 

Ketu: Aquarius - P.Bhadrapada 

Uranus: Cancer - Ashlesha 

Neptune: Libra - Swati 

Pluto: Leo - Magha

Vedic Astrology Chart Journal

Dr. Mehmet Oz (born 1960) is a cardiothoracic surgeon and television personality who gained fame through "The Dr. Oz Show." He later entered politics, running unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania.

Dr. Mehemet Oz

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