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Sidereal Vedic Horoscopes
Search your favorite celebrity or public figure and explore their birth chart horoscope using the Sidereal Zodiac. Also known as the “true sky,” Sidereal placements provide an accurate and karmic depiction of their cosmic blueprint. Precise birth times reveal the Ascendant, while charts without a known time can be interpreted from the Moon using a general time of 12:00 pm.

Edward Snowden
Born: 21 June 1983
4:42 AM
Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Edward Snowden (born 1983) is a former NSA contractor who became famous in 2013 for leaking classified information about government surveillance programs. He currently lives in Russia, where he was granted asylum.

Ascendant: Taurus, Rohini
Sun: Gemini, Mrigashira
Moon: Libra, Swati
Mars: Gemini, Mrigashira
Mercury: Taurus, Rohini
Jupiter: Scorpio, Anuradha
Venus: Cancer, Ashlesha
Saturn: Libra, Chitra
Rahu: Gemini, Mrigashira
Ketu: Sagittarius, Moola
Uranus: Scorpio, Anuradha
Neptune: Sagittarius, Moola
Pluto: Libra, Chitra