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Famous Charts
Sidereal Vedic Horoscopes

George Carlin
Born: 12 May 1937
New York, New York

Ascendant: Cancer, Ashlesha

Sun: Aries, Krittika

Moon: Taurus, Mrigishira

Mars: Scorpio, Anuradha

Mercury: Aries, Bharani

Jupiter: Capricorn, U.Ashadha

Venus:  Pisces, Revati

Saturn: Pisces: U. Bhadrapada

Rahu: Scorpio, Jyestha

Ketu: Taurus, Rohini

Vedic Astrology Chart Journal

George Carlin (1937-2008) was a groundbreaking stand-up comedian known for his sharp social criticism and observations about language, politics, and human behavior. His "Seven Words" routine led to a Supreme Court case about broadcast indecency.

George Carlin

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