Famous Charts
Sidereal Vedic Horoscopes
Search your favorite celebrity or public figure and explore their birth chart horoscope using the Sidereal Zodiac. Also known as the “true sky,” Sidereal placements provide an accurate and karmic depiction of their cosmic blueprint. Precise birth times reveal the Ascendant, while charts without a known time can be interpreted from the Moon using a general time of 12:00 pm.

George Carlin
Born: 12 May 1937
New York, New York
George Carlin (1937-2008) was a groundbreaking stand-up comedian known for his sharp social criticism and observations about language, politics, and human behavior. His "Seven Words" routine led to a Supreme Court case about broadcast indecency.

Ascendant: Cancer, Ashlesha
Sun: Aries, Krittika
Moon: Taurus, Mrigishira
Mars: Scorpio, Anuradha
Mercury: Aries, Bharani
Jupiter: Capricorn, U.Ashadha
Venus: Pisces, Revati
Saturn: Pisces: U. Bhadrapada
Rahu: Scorpio, Jyestha
Ketu: Taurus, Rohini