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Famous Charts
Sidereal Vedic Horoscopes

George Galloway
Born: 16 August 1954
6:00 AM
United Kingdom

Ascendant: Leo, Magha

Sun: Cancer, Ashlesha

Moon: Aquarius, Poorva Bhadra

Mars: Sagittarius, Moola

Mercury: Cancer, Ashlesha

Jupiter: Gemini, Punarvasu

Venus: Virgo, Hasta

Saturn: Libra, Swati

Rahu: Sagittarius, Poorva Shada

Ketu: Gemini, Punarvasu

Uranus: Cancer, Punarvasu

Neptune: Libra, Chitra

Pluto: Leo, Magha

Vedic Astrology Chart Journal

George Galloway (born 1954) is a British politician and broadcaster known for his outspoken views on foreign policy and controversial political positions. He has served multiple terms as a Member of Parliament.

George Galloway

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