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Famous Charts
Sidereal Vedic Horoscopes

Born: 16 August 1958
7:05 AM
Bay City, Michigan

Ascendant: Leo, P.Phalguni

Sun: Cancer, Ashlesha

Moon: Leo, P.Phalguni

Mars: Aries, Bharani

Mercury: Leo, Magha

Jupiter: Libra, Chitra

Venus: Cancer, Pushya

Saturn: Scorpio, Jyestha

Rahu: Libra, Chitra

Ketu:  Aries, Ashwini

Uranus: Cancer, Ashlesha

Neptune: Libra, Swati

Pluto: Leo, Magha

Vedic Astrology Chart Journal

Madonna (born 1958) is a singer, songwriter, and actress known as the "Queen of Pop." Her influence on popular culture, music, and fashion spans four decades, making her one of the most successful and influential artists in music history.


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