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Famous Charts

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey Born: 29 January 1954 4:30 AM Kosciusko, Mississippi

Oprah Winfrey (born 1954) is a media executive, actress, and philanthropist who hosted "The Oprah Winfrey Show," the highest-rated television program of its kind. She's been called one of the most influential women in the world.

Oprah Winfrey

Ascendant: Sagittarius, Mula

Sun: Capricorn, Shravana

Moon: Scorpio, Anuradha

Mars: Scorpio, Vishaka

Mercury: Capricorn, Dhanistha

Jupiter: Taurus, Mrigishira

Venus: Capricorn, Shravana

Saturn: Libra, Swati

Rahu: Capricorn, U.Ashadha

Ketu:  Cancer, Punarvasu

Uranus: Gemini, Punarvasu

Neptune: Libra Chitra

Pluto: Leo, Magha

Mahadasha and Life Events

Saturn Period (1954-1961) 1954: Born in Kosciusko, Mississippi Early childhood years Age 6: Moved to Milwaukee with mother Mercury Period (1961-1978) Experienced childhood trauma and abuse 1971: Won Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant 1976: Became Nashville's first black female news anchor 1976: Moved to Baltimore's WJZ-TV Ketu Period (1978-1985) 1978: Became co-host of "People Are Talking" 1984: Moved to Chicago to host "AM Chicago" Venus Period (1985-2005) 1985: Starred in "The Color Purple" 1986: Launched "The Oprah Winfrey Show" nationally 1988: Established Harpo Productions 1993: Michael Jackson interview 1998: Produced "Beloved" 2003: Became first Black woman billionaire Sun Period (2005-2011) 2007: Opened Leadership Academy in South Africa 2008: Endorsed Barack Obama 2009: First aired on OWN Moon Period (2011-2021) 2011: Ended "The Oprah Winfrey Show" 2013: Received Presidential Medal of Freedom 2017: Joined "60 Minutes" 2018: Featured in National Museum exhibit Mars Period (2021-2028) 2021: Interview with Harry and Meghan 2021: Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences 2024: Announced ABC special on AI Rahu: 2028 Jupiter: 2046

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