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Famous Charts
Sidereal Vedic Horoscopes

Sabrina Carpenter
Born: 11 May 1999
8:52 AM
Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania

Sun: Aries, Bharani

Moon: Pisces, Pahadra

Mars: Libra, Chitra

Mercury: Aries, Ashwini

Jupiter: Pisces, Revati

Venus: Gemini, Ardra

Saturn: Aries, Bharani

Rahu: Cancer, Ashlesha

Uranus: Capricorn, Shravana

Neptune: Capricorn, Shravana

Pluto: Scorpio, Anuradha

Vedic Astrology Chart Journal

Sabrina Carpenter (born 1999) is an actress and singer who gained fame through her role on Disney Channel's "Girl Meets World" before launching a successful music career. She's known for her pop music and acting versatility.

Sabrina Carpenter

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