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Famous Charts
Sidereal Vedic Horoscopes

Taylor Swift
Born: 13 December 1989
8:36 AM
Wyomissing, Pennsylvania

Ascendant: Scorpio, Vishaka

Sun: Scorpio, Jyestha

Moon: Gemini, Ardra

Mars: Scorpio, Vishaka

Mercury: Sagittarius, Purva Ashadha

Jupiter: Gemini, Ardra

Venus: Capricorn, Uttara Ashadha

Saturn: Sagittarius, Purva Ashadha

Rahu: Capricorn, Dhanishta

Ketu: Cancer, Ashlesha

Uranus: Sagittarius, Mula

Neptune: Sagittarius, P.Ashadha

Pluto: Libra, Vishaka

Vedic Astrology Chart Journal

Taylor Swift (born 1989) is one of the world's best-selling music artists, known for her songwriting, evolution from country to pop music, and business acumen. She's won multiple Grammy Awards and has broken numerous industry records.

Taylor Swift

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