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Writer's pictureLunar Persuasion

Moon in Capricorn

As the Moon travels through the zodiac he takes on the qualities of whatever sign and house he passes through. The Moon's orbit around the earth takes about 30 days to complete. Within those 30 days the Moon completes the cycle of all 12 signs of the Zodiac as well. Each New Moon begins a new cycle. The sign and house the Moon transits will influence how the Moon will behave. The first zodiac ,Aries ,represents the beginning of something new, like your birth. As the Moon travels into and through each sign it will take on the qualities of that sign and house and any other planet(s) that may be in aspect or conjunction. Moon entering Cancer from Gemini will be very different than Moon entering Capricorn from Sagittarius.

Today, Moon is in Capricorn who is the natural ruler of the 10th house. Moon will take on the qualities of both Capricorn and the 10th house.

So, what does Capricorn represent? Well, lets first look at the sign Moon is coming from, Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a dual fire sign ruled by Jupiter and rules the 9th house of religion, spirituality, higher knowledge/self , teachers, long distance travel and Gurus. Sagittarius is "The Guide" When Moon travels through the sign of Sagittarius the mind and emotions will be focused on finding the realization that there is a bigger, higher purpose out there. If your mind is ready to receive the light of higher knowledge and spirituality , guidance will find its way to you even in the most subtle of ways. Meditating and taking time to connect to the source daily is the only way to truly understand the lessons of Sagittarius. You must practice what you believe. Your soul's liberation kinda depends on it. By connecting to the knowledge of Sagittarius , the Moon moves into the sign of Capricorn ready to put those beliefs into action.

Capricorn is a movable Earth sign ruled by Saturn. Earth signs have a quality of being grounded, "down to Earth", and hard working. Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn are all Earth signs. Taurus , ruled by Venus, is the 1st Earth sign. The second is Virgo ruled by Mercury. The third is Capricorn ruled by Saturn.

Capricorn is all about taking time to look inside and connect to your higher self. Saturn indicates discipline and hard work so naturally Capricorn will take on the qualities of its ruler Also the natural sign of the 10th house, Capricorn is about your actions and reputation. How people perceive you will depend on how you are projecting yourself to the world. When we spend every minute of the day reacting to our environment we become disconnected to our true self. Only through practice of your beliefs will you learn the real lesson of Capricorn.

Moon is our peace of mind and thoughts. Capricorn is our reputation and action. This is why when Moon travels through Capricorn the mind is wanting to be focused on its connection to the source. Moon is a lustful Graha, and in Capricorn it lusts for that connection.

The 3 Nakshatras of Capricorn are Uttarashada, Shravana and Dhanishta.

Uttarshada Nakshatra connects the transit between Sagittarius and Capricorn and it is ruled by Sun. This Nakshatra is all about the urge for a new beginning where nothing seems impossible. This is the energy needed to start connecting to your beliefs.

Shravana occupies the middle degrees of Capricorn and is all about listening. Listening to your higher self in order for growth or progress to occur. This is where you have started connecting and are fully consumed with listening to your inner voice.

Dhanishta is the connecting Nakshatra of Capricorn and Aquarius. This Nakshatra is all about perseverance and organizing. This explains the need to organize your thoughts and practice everyday, connecting to the source and your higher self so that you may share that connection with others.

Find out where your planets and Nakshatras are placed and order a natal report here.

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