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Transit in the Sky: August 2024

As we enter August, a New Moon in Cancer on the 4th marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. The New Moon, known as Amavasya, is a favorable time for setting intentions, embarking on new endeavors, and initiating beginnings.

This lunar phase represents a period of introspection and spiritual growth. With Cancer's intuitive and emotional influence, we are encouraged to go deep into our hearts, aligning our thoughts with our core values. It provides a perfect time to release what no longer serves us and nurture our inner selves with positivity and self-love.

If you find yourself caught in a cycle of negative self-talk, the New Moon's energy offers a guiding light. Use this time to replace self-criticism with affirmations of self-worth and empowerment. Visualize these positive affirmations uplifting your spirit, fostering a sense of self-love and acceptance.

Mercury will retrograde in Leo from August 5th to 28th, crossing the transformative Gandanta point into Cancer and back. This period may bring communication challenges and mental sluggishness, but it also offers a chance for reflection and reassessment. As it transitions back into Leo in early September, there's an opportunity for resolution and a more confident expression of insights.

With the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, we'll experience a powerful combination of Aquarian energies and Saturn's influence. This lunar event calls for introspection and humility. Saturn reminds us of the importance of commitment and hard work. It's a time to reflect on our contributions to the greater good and consider how our authenticity is part of the bigger picture.

On August 21st, Venus will be debilitated in Virgo, bringing a unique blend of energies. Virgo is associated with work, servitude, and dealing with enemies, which contrasts with Venus's pleasure-seeking and comfort-loving nature. This may create a general sense of discomfort for the planet of values and compromise. Additionally, Ketu in Virgo brings a sense of disregard and disconnectedness, while Rahu in Pisces, opposing the debilitated Venus, highlights the delicate balance between putting in the work and wanting to escape from it all. Despite these challenging energies, this period can also present opportunities for growth, self-reflection, and finding new ways to connect with others.

Let's see how these energies play out for each Ascendant.

Aries Ascendant: The New Moon occurs in your 4th house, highlighting themes of home and family. Use this time to foster a nurturing environment and strengthen familial bonds. Mercury retrograde occurs in your 5th house of creativity and self-expression. You may find yourself revisiting creative projects or past romantic connections. Use this time to reflect on your passions and how you can express them more authentically. The Full Moon highlights your 11th house of friends and social networks. This is a time to reflect on your contributions to your friendships and community. Consider how you can serve and uplift others within your social circles. Venus is transiting your 6th house. This transit highlights issues related to work, health, and daily routines. You may feel a strain in relationships due to work pressure or health concerns. It's a time to focus on maintaining balance and finding joy in the little things. Ketu's presence might make you feel detached from your responsibilities, but don't let that lead to negligence. Rahu in your 12th house suggests a need for solitude and spiritual pursuits. Balance is key.

Taurus Ascendant: With the New Moon gracing your 3rd house, focus on realigning your thoughts and communication with your true values. This is an ideal opportunity to improve your relationships with younger siblings and brothers. Mercury retrograde is happening in your 4th house of home and family. This is a good time to reassess family dynamics and communication at home. Look for ways to improve emotional connections with loved ones. The Full Moon occurs in your 10th house of career and public life. Reflect on your professional commitments and how you can lead by example in your workplace. This is an opportunity to align your career path with your values. Venus in your 5th house, this transit impacts your creativity, romance, and children. You might find it hard to derive pleasure from your usual creative outlets or romantic endeavors. Ketu's influence could make you feel disconnected from your passions. Rahu in the 11th house encourages you to seek fulfillment through social connections and networking. Don't shy away from group activities; they might bring unexpected joy.

Gemini Ascendant: The New Moon occurs in your 2nd house, urging you to reflect on your values concerning finances and self-worth. Set intentions to cultivate a healthier mindset around your resources and reinforce your self-esteem. Mercury retrograde affects your 3rd house of communication and learning. Expect to revisit past conversations or misunderstandings with siblings or neighbors. Use this time to clarify any mixed messages and enhance your communication style. The Full Moon activates your 9th house of higher learning and philosophy. It’s a good time to reflect on your beliefs and how they contribute to the greater good. Consider how your knowledge can serve others in a meaningful way. Venus is transiting your 4th house, bringing focus to your home, family, and emotional foundations. You might feel an undercurrent of dissatisfaction or discomfort at home. Ketu's influence can create a sense of detachment from family matters. Rahu in your 10th house, however, pushes you to focus on your career and public image. Finding a balance between home and work life will be crucial.

Cancer Ascendant: This New Moon is especially impactful for you as it occurs in your 1st house, announcing a period of personal transformation. Embrace affirmations that resonate with your authentic self and shed outdated beliefs that no longer serve your growth. Mercury retrograde impacts your 2nd house of finances and self-worth. It’s a good time to reflect on your financial habits and values. Reassess your relationship with money and consider how you communicate your needs. The Full Moon activates your 9th house of higher learning and philosophy. It’s a good time to reflect on your beliefs and how they contribute to the greater good. Consider how your knowledge can serve others in a meaningful way. Venus in your 3rd house affects your communication, siblings, and short travels. You might struggle to express your feelings or experience misunderstandings with siblings. Ketu's presence could make you feel disinterested in social interactions. Rahu in the 9th house encourages you to seek knowledge and engage in long-distance travels or higher learning. Use this time to expand your horizons.

Leo Ascendant: With the New Moon activating your 12th house, focus on inner reflection and clearing emotional clutter. Embrace practices of self-love and healing to enhance your inner peace. Mercury retrograde occurs in your 1st house of self. It’s a powerful time for self-reflection and reevaluating how you present yourself to the world. Use this period to align your communication style with your true identity. For you, this Full Moon falls in your 7th house of partnerships. It’s a time to reflect on your commitments to others, both in romantic and business relationships. Consider how you can be of service to your significant other and nurture your partnerships. Venus in your 2nd house affects your finances, speech, and values. You may face financial challenges or feel a lack of comfort in your material possessions. Ketu's influence might make you indifferent to financial matters. Rahu in the 8th house urges you to delve into deep transformations and shared resources. Embrace change and focus on financial planning.

Virgo Ascendant: This lunation influences your 11th house, reminding you to reassess your connections and align them with your core values. Set intentions to cultivate supportive and positive relationships. Mercury retrograde affects your 12th house of the subconscious. This is a time for inner reflection and revisiting past memories. Pay attention to dreams and intuition, as they may reveal important insights. This Full Moon occurs in your 6th house of health and daily routines. Reflect on how your daily habits impact your well-being and the well-being of those around you. Commit to serving yourself and others through healthy routines and service-oriented activities. Venus is in your 1st house, directly impacting your self-image and personal well-being. You might feel a lack of confidence or dissatisfaction with your appearance. Ketu's presence can make you feel detached from your own needs. Rahu in the 7th house emphasizes the importance of relationships and partnerships. Strive for a balance between self-care and nurturing your relationships.

Libra Ascendant: In your 10th house, the New Moon encourages you to align your professional aspirations with your personal values. Set intentions for a career path that truly resonates with your heart. Mercury retrograde impacts your 11th house of friends and social networks. You may find yourself reassessing your friendships and social circles. Look for ways to deepen connections with those who align with your values. The Full Moon activates your 5th house of creativity and self-expression. Reflect on how your creative endeavors can serve and inspire others. This is a time to lead by example through your artistic pursuits and personal passions. Venus in your 12th house brings attention to your subconscious, losses, and spiritual pursuits. You might feel a sense of isolation or withdrawal. Ketu's influence can heighten feelings of detachment from material comforts. Rahu in the 6th house suggests focusing on health and service to others. Use this time for introspection and spiritual growth.

Scorpio Ascendant: The New Moon falls in your 9th house, offering an opportunity to align your intellectual pursuits with your core values. Set intentions to explore new beliefs or educational opportunities that nurture your soul. Mercury retrograde falls in your 10th house of career and public life. It’s a time to reflect on your professional goals and communication with colleagues. Revisit past projects and consider how you can express your professional identity more authentically. The Full Moon shines in your 4th house of home and family. Reflect on your commitments to your family and the ways you can serve your loved ones. Consider how your home environment can be a space of support and growth. Venus in your 11th house impacts your social circles, goals, and aspirations. You might feel a lack of enjoyment in social activities or disillusionment with your goals. Ketu's presence can make you feel disconnected from your social networks. Rahu in the 5th house encourages you to focus on creative pursuits and personal joy. Reconnect with your passions.

Sagittarius Ascendant: With the New Moon occurring in your 8th house, reflect on your values regarding intimacy and shared finances. Use this time to let go of old patterns and embrace positive changes in these areas. Mercury retrograde activates your 9th house of higher learning and philosophy. You may find yourself revisiting educational pursuits or philosophical beliefs. Use this time to realign your intellectual goals with your personal values. The Full Moon occurs in your 3rd house of communication and learning. Reflect on how you communicate with others and how your words can uplift and support those around you. This is a time to lead by example through honest and compassionate dialogue. Venus in your 10th house affects your career, public image, and reputation. You might feel unappreciated at work or dissatisfied with your career progress. Ketu's influence can make you indifferent to professional achievements. Rahu in the 4th house suggests focusing on your home and emotional well-being. Strive for a work-life balance.

Capricorn Ascendant: The New Moon activates your 7th house, urging you to align your personal values with your relationships. Set intentions for harmony and deeper connections with your significant other or business partners. This retrograde occurs in your 8th house of transformation and shared resources. Expect to reflect on your emotional connections and financial partnerships. Consider how your communication impacts your intimate relationships. The Full Moon highlights your 2nd house of finances and self-worth. Reflect on your values and how you can use your resources to serve others. Consider how your financial decisions align with your commitment to helping those in need. Venus in your 9th house impacts your beliefs, long-distance travel, and higher education. You might question your beliefs or feel disconnected from your spiritual path. Ketu's presence can heighten feelings of disconnection from your higher purpose. Rahu in the 3rd house encourages you to communicate and engage with your immediate environment. Seek knowledge and new perspectives.

Aquarius Ascendant: This New Moon falls in your 6th house, providing an opportunity to realign your habits with your core values. Set intentions for self-care and a healthier lifestyle that supports your overall well-being. Mercury retrograde impacts your 7th house of partnerships. It’s a time to reassess communication with your significant other. Look for ways to enhance mutual understanding and resolve any misunderstandings. The Full Moon falls in your 1st house of self. It’s a powerful time for self-reflection and considering how your true self can serve others. Embrace your authentic identity and lead by example in your community. Venus in your 8th house brings focus to shared resources, transformation, and deep psychological matters. You might face financial challenges or feel a lack of intimacy. Ketu's influence can make you indifferent to these deep connections. Rahu in the 2nd house suggests focusing on personal finances and values. Embrace transformation and seek stability.

Pisces Ascendant: The New Moon in Cancer occurs in your 5th house, encouraging you to realign your creative projects and hobbies with your authentic self-expression. Mercury retrograde falls in your 6th house of health and daily routines. Use this time to reflect on your daily habits and communication in the workplace. Consider how your mindset influences your overall well-being. The Full Moon occurs in your 12th house of the subconscious. Reflect on your inner world and how it impacts your connections with others. Use this time to commit to self-care practices that allow you to serve others more effectively. Venus in your 7th house affects your partnerships and relationships. You might feel dissatisfaction or strain in your relationships. Ketu's presence can make you feel detached from your partner. Rahu in your 1st house emphasizes self-focus and personal growth. Balance your needs with those of your partner.

Remember to be the change you want to see. I hope everyone has a safe August. See you in September!

Love and Light,


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