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Writer's pictureLunar Persuasion

Transit in the Sky: June 2024

June 1st: Mars enters Aries (Own)

Mars is strong in his own sign Aries and casts his 4th aspect on Gemini, 7th aspect on Libra, and 8th aspect on his sign Scorpio. These houses in your natal chart will receive a boost of this fiery, active energy in the area of life relative to the nature of the house. For example, for Aries Ascendant natives, this is occurring in your first house of SELF and your aspected 4th house of MOTHER, 7th house of RELATIONSHIPS, and 8th house of TRANSFORMATION will be impacted. No matter which house or planet is affected in your chart, be sure to direct this energy inward, challenge yourself, and avoid being aggressive with others.

June 6th, 7:37 AM CST New Moon in Rohini Nakshatra in Taurus

This new moon is all about love and beauty. Moon and Sun are joined by Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus expanding this energy in a big way.

June 14th: Mercury enters Gemini (Own)

Mercury is speeding through his own sign by over 1 degree each day. Over the next few days, he will be combusting the Sun, and communications and traveling will be impacted with thoughts of restlessness, anxiousness, and a sense of frustration overall. Thankfully, this is a quick transit and Mercury will surpass the Sun and join with Venus for a few days of creativity and fun! Because Gemini is receiving Mars's 4th aspect, there is a sense of protectiveness relative to the house Gemini rules in your chart. For Virgo Ascendant, this is taking place in your 10th house of career and Dharma, so be sure to take things slow and don't be afraid to delegate work when needed to avoid burnout.

June 15th: Sun enters Gemini

Gemini is a neutral sign for our soul planet, Sun. A focus on communication and travel, siblings, and self-effort will be some of the themes for the next 30 days. Gemini's ruler, Mercury will be here for the 1st half of the Sun's transit bringing strength and direction. Venus is making this a very creative time for writers, artists, performers, etc. Mercury and Venus sync up at 6° Gemini on June 17th while Moon transits Venus's sign Libra, in the nakshatra Swati, representing doing things your own way.

June 21st: Full Moon in Mula (Sagittarius)

June 26th: Saturn stations to go Retrograde 25° 13' Aquarius

Saturn has been slowing down all month and is finally stationed at 25° Aquarius in Shatabishak Nakshatra. If you have any planets near or at this degree, you will be impacted the most relative to the indicators of the planet and house it is taking place in your chart. Also, if you have any planets 25° of Aries, Leo, or Scorpio, you will feel the effects of this transit with more intensity. This will manifest as an external event or a psychological experience in the area of life represented by the house ruling Aquarius in your chart, including Aries, Leo, and Scorpio. After Saturn turns retrograde, he will retrace his steps, going back in time to 18° 29' Aquarius, before turning direct again in mid-November.

June 29th: Mercury enters Cancer

The planet of our intellect and thinking mind, has entered the watery feminine sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon- our emotional mind. Our communications will be more emotional and moods will fluctuate with the tide. Ideas flow more freely if you let them and a creative boost comes when Venus and the Sun join in next month. These energies will come about relative to the house of Cancer in your chart. If you are a Scorpio Ascendant, Cancer is in your 9th house of higher education, father, teachers, spirituality, and long-distance travel. Keeping control of your emotions is always advised especially during transits such as this.

June 30th: Saturn Retrogrades 25° 13' Aquarius

Saturn retrograde happens every year and it is a time of reflection, slowing down, and getting a second chance to set things right from the last time. Saturn, the karmic account, traveled this area of sky from March 23rd, 2024 - June 29th, 2024. Current events in your life right now will be given the chance to make better or complete. What can you do now, that you didn't do then?

If your Ascendant is a Fire Sign- Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, Saturn is in a Kama house for you. Houses 3, 7, and 11 all represent different relationships including siblings, friends, spouses, and groups you are a part of. These are houses of desire. Saturn's restrictive energy here does not always feel so good, especially if you are holding on to something ready to be let go

If your Ascendant is an Earth Sign- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Saturn is in an Artha house 2, 6, or 10 related to money career, and the work you do in the world like service to others and everyday tasks. Money and resources may have been feeling tight and this retrograde will be a time of revisiting finances. Saturn brings the need for responsibility and diligence.

For Air-ruled Ascendants. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, Saturn is in a Dharma house 1, 5 or 9. These houses represent a destined path revealed in your chart with themes of identity, creativity, and higher learning. All of these areas of life may be feeling the pressure but Saturn thrives in all Air Signs. Maybe it's because he rules 2 out of 3 Air signs and is friends with Mercury, ruler of Gemini! You may be repeating yourself a little bit more than usual this time but this is a true gift from Saturn. 2nd chances are good, right?

Water-ruled signs- Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces all have Saturn transiting a Moksha house 4, 8, or 12. These houses represent endings and letting go of attachments that no longer serve you. A transformation is happening right before your eyes, but because your Ascendant naturally rules a moksha sign, this will be a familiar feeling. Keep your emotions under control and you will ensure a smoother transit overall.

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