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Writer's pictureLunar Persuasion

Transit in the Sky: Sun in Virgo

Sun in Virgo

16 SEP – 16 OCT

Virgo is Dual, Earth, Feminine. Medium, Tamasic sign ruled by Mercury.

Mercury is Masculine, Rajasic, Earth

Conjoined Ketu and Venus

Mutual Exchange with Ruler Mercury in Leo

This is the chart of the Sun entering Sidereal Virgo.

Libra Ascendant, ruled by Venus in the 12th house, debilitated in Virgo, conjoined two malefics, Ketu and Sun. Venus is karaka for relationships, beauty, and agreements, in the 12th house of expenses, loss, isolation, and surrender; debilitated in the Dual, Feminine, Tamasic sign, Virgo; conjoined two malefic Ketu and Sun bring challenges, frustration, and criticism. Rahu and Neptune, opposite in Pisces, show the need to overcome misconceptions and illusional desires for power and be intentional with how we surrender. Venus is 5th from Jupiter and 4th from Mars. Jupiter is amplifying the distress and discomfort while Mars is intensifying.



Total Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on 17 SEP 21:24 CST.

The Sun and Moon align at 1 degree, 28 minutes in the Virgo/Pisces line.

The moon in Pisces shows that we need to surrender to something bigger than ourselves, stop being pulled down by the details, and learn to let go.

Sun, Ketu, and a late degree, fallen Venus in Virgo may test our patience and ability to compromise our comforts for someone else's desires.

Jupiter and Mars's special aspect on Virgo increases and intensifies this energy.

Virgo is the 5th house in this eclipse chart, which deals with our happiness.

12th house ruler, Mars, in the 2ndhouse of Gemini, shows confusion and anger in our ideas and speech

For each Ascendant:

Aries 12th house/6th house and Libra 6th house/12th house

The Moon in Pisces shows the struggles and challenges to be perfect is balanced by the need to let it all go

Taurus 11th house/ 5th house and Scorpio 5thhouse/11th House

Surrender the need to feel validated by others and create from the heart

Gemini 10th house/4th house and Sagittarius 4thhouse/ 10th house

Time to let go of old ambitions that are not connected to the heart while deepening the connection to the ambitions that are.       

Cancer 9th house/3rd house  and Capricorn 3rd house/ 9th house

Time to reexamine old beliefs that get in the way of new ideas and new ideas that undermine your current beliefs

Leo 8th house /2nd house and Aquarius 2ndhouse/ 8th house

Embrace the changes and evaluate what you give meaning and value to

Virgo 7th house/1st house and Pisces 1sthouse /7th house

Time to look inward and compare yourself to only who you truly are.

Venus enters Libra on 18 September. She is strong in this position and receives no special aspects. The effects of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus will be boosted with Venus in her own sign. Venus, positioned six houses away, shows challenges and obstacles to overcome regarding relationships and what we are willing to compromise regarding our values and desires.

Both Mercury and Sun conjunct Ketu in Virgo on 29 SEP. This is an unsettled energy, and our thoughts, ideas, and criticisms are prone to producing lower vibrations.

There will be a New Moon Solar Eclipse on 2 OCT. If possible, this is a time to rest and take little action. This energy activates the houses identical to the Lunar eclipse from two weeks prior.

Jupiter turns retrograde 9 OCT at 27 degrees of Taurus. For the last 10 days, Jupiter has been slowing down to this complete stop. Suppose you have planets or your Ascendant here or within a few degrees. In that case, there will be effects concerning the house Taurus is in your chart, where your natal Jupiter is, and what houses he rules in your chart.

10 OCT Mercury joins Venus in Libra

13 OCT Venus enters Scorpio.

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