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Transits in
the Sky

Follow the Stars using Sidereal Vedic Astrology.

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Cancer Crab Vedic Astrology Zodiac Sign.jpg


Charming, diplomatic, sociable, harmonious, indecisive, idealistic


Ruled by Venus

Venus signifying marriage and partnership governs romantic bonds and the pursuit of harmony in relationships. Venus governing vehicles and comforts shows how we experience luxury and material pleasures.



Rajas, the mode of passion and activity, is characterized by qualities of dynamism, desire, and restlessness. It is associated with movement, ambition, and the pursuit of worldly goals. Individuals influenced by rajas are driven by desires, ambitions, and the need for achievement. They are often energetic, ambitious, and competitive, seeking success and fulfillment in the external world. However, rajas can also lead to attachment, craving, and a constant sense of dissatisfaction. Practices such as self-discipline, moderation, and detachment help temper the influence of rajas, allowing individuals to channel their energy more constructively and find greater balance in their lives.



Air represents intellect, communication, and social interaction. It is associated with the signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air signs are intellectual, communicative, and highly adaptable. They possess keen analytical skills and are adept at processing information and exchanging ideas with others. Air signs are curious and sociable and enjoy engaging in intellectual pursuits and social activities. They thrive on mental stimulation and are often drawn to careers that involve communication, networking, and innovation. However, they may also be prone to indecision, inconsistency, and a tendency to intellectualize their emotions.

The seventh house is associated with marriage, partnerships, business relationships, contracts, legal matters, and spouses. It also signifies the public image and open enemies.

House Vedic Astrology North Indian Diamond Chart

Bhava Connection

7th House

House of Partnerships and Marriage



Movable represent constant change and initiation. These signs carry dynamic, restless energy that seeks new experiences and beginnings. People with prominent movable signs in their chart often excel at starting projects, adapting to change, and pushing boundaries. They're natural pioneers who thrive on movement and transformation, though they may sometimes struggle to follow through on their initiatives once the initial excitement wanes.



Masculine qualities, often associated with active, assertive, and outwardly directed energies, are exemplified by the planets Mars, Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn. These planets embody traits such as courage, ambition, independence, leadership, and assertiveness. When prominent in a birth chart, masculine planets can indicate a strong sense of purpose, drive, and self-expression. They are characterized by their direct approach to challenges, desire for achievement, and ability to take decisive action.

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