Taurus is the original placement for the 2nd house in a natal chart. These two factors in astrology go hand in hand and have many similar qualities.
The 2nd house represents your speech, family, security, wealth, money, resources. Resources include everything we need in the life to survive: food, clothing, shelter, language(communication). This is the house following the 1st house of self, birth and the physical body. Naturally the next house would be that of family and learning our first words and having the stability and security of home.
The 2nd house is known as an Artha house. Artha means the physical work that needs to be done such as establishing a shelter and all those resources needed. Every house represents a part of the human body. The 2nd house represents the face, nose, eyes, lips... the face is related to a persons fame, so also fame can be seen from here as well as speech. The second house is also where we first start to learn how to talk because it represents the age of being a toddler. Planet and sign influences on the 2nd house will affect the native's speech whether it be sweet or harsh and is where we are first influenced by family members and basically learn how to do the basic early human skills like eating, talking & walking.
The 2nd house also rules wealth so that encompasses "all things money" such as banks, gold, jewelry etc. How we make our money and where we keep it all can be seen from the 2nd house.
Jupiter is the Karaka of the 2nd house.
Aries Lagna creates the original placements of the the zodiac and houses. Following Aries in the first house is Taurus in the 2nd house. Taurus will have many of the same qualities of the 2nd house with just a few differences. The house is the foundation of the different parts of our life and never moves whereas the zodiac sign placement can change depending on the birth time.
Taurus is a fixed earth sign and its symbol is the bull. Each zodiac sign is ruled by a planet and Taurus is ruled by Venus. This means Taurus will have the qualities of Venus wherever it is placed in the natal chart.
The Moon & Rahu are exalted in the sign of Taurus. Moon feels its most stable and secure in the sign of resources and wealth. The Moon is the mind and when the mind does not have to worry about the necessities of life it can focus on the higher purpose. Rahu is also exalted here because Rahu is the shadow planet of obsession and possession and Rahu has everything it needs in Taurus.
Taurus is a non-technical sign and is more about those Venus qualities of beauty, art, needs and desires.
Whenever a planet is in the sign of Taurus it will feel grounded. Taurus being of security and stability will give a planet a sense of calm. On the negative side, Taurus can also make a native stubborn and unwilling to change due to it's fixed nature; even quite lazy.
Using the Sidereal degrees of Vedic Astrology, which are the true & actual placements of the stars astronomically, Your Sun will be in Taurus if you were born between May 13 and Jun 19.
Vedic Astrology, however, places more importance on your Moon placement or Rising sign at the time of birth.
To find out where your Moon is placed or what your Rising sign (lagna) is using the Vedic Sidereal system click here.