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Major Transits of 2025
All Signs Report
Learn how the major transits of the year will affect you based on your Ascendant or Rising Sign.
Happy New Year 2025
In this new year chart, Jupiter rules the 1st and 4th houses. If this were a natal chart reading, we could suggest the physical
Gandanta Points- Where are the obstacles in my chart, and how can I overcome them?
Overcoming these difficult periods in life is all about the give and take of feminine and masculine energy. In order to experience growth...
Moon and the Vulnerability Scale
In astrology, the Moon rules the sign of Cancer, and in the natal chart, the house where the Moon is located can reveal the area of life...
Sun in the Houses
Wherever the Sun goes in the chart, there will be an intense focus on that area of life. 1st House: Sun's placement in the first house...
Mars in 2024: Navigating Karmic Challenges and Spiritual Transformation Part 1
On December 26th, 2023, Mars will enter 29.12 degrees of Scorpio in the Nakshatra Jyestha. This portion of the sky is known as gandanta...
Unveiling the Mysteries of Astrology: Sidereal Zodiac and the North Indian Chart
The sidereal zodiac stands out as a system that aligns with the constellations in the sky, dividing the zodiac into 12 equal parts or...
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