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Full Moon in Scorpio

Just before Sunrise on December 15th, 2024, the Full moon will reach its peak when the Moon and Sun are in exact opposition at 29° 14' on the Taurus and Scorpio axis.

Full Moon December 15th 2024

This powerful transit is a time to reflect on how our values are influenced by our insecurities. It's a time to assess how our fears and vulnerabilities have defined our inner voice and if that aligns with how we truly feel.

Jupiter's presence with the Moon is expanding emotions and feeling around financial and food security.

Moon in Mrigishira indicates how there is a hunger for more than what we already have. It highlights the blind spots we may have regarding resources and things we give value.

Rahu's power hungry and inexperienced nature aspects our weakened state of courage, Mars debilitated in Cancer.

Ketu's aspect on Venus and Pluto in Capricorn is stripping away the happiness from ambitious driven power.

Saturn in Aquarius continues to create new boundaries and limitations on the collective conscious. His aspect onto Leo is course correcting the individual sense of identity.

Sun in Jyestha nakshatra is removing the impurities of our attachments and shining a light on the fears and vulnerabilities that are controlling our beliefs and values.

Uranus has retrograded back into Aries, where radicalized thinking and innovation is heavily influencing the individual ideologies. In other words, this extremely selfish time we are living in is under a major transformation. What will emerge will be revolutionary. An ignorance of purpose and duty will be brought into our awareness.

Let's look at where this transformation is taking place for you, based on your Ascendant.

  • Aries and Libra Ascendant, you will experience this Full Moon challenging you to confront and transform your deepest fears around personal resources and shared power. The transit will reveal hidden patterns of dependency and potential for radical self-sufficiency.

  • Taurus and Scorpio Ascendant, you will find the lunar transit illuminating the delicate balance between personal identity and partnership. It will push you to reassess how your vulnerabilities and insecurities shape your most intimate connections.

  • Gemini and Sagittarius Ascendant, you will be invited by this powerful moon to examine the intersection of your daily responsibilities and spiritual surrender. The transit will highlight where your sense of duty may be masking deeper emotional needs.

  • Cancer and Capricorn Ascendant, you will see the Full Moon revealing the tension between personal creativity and collective expectations. It will challenge you to find authentic expression within structured social frameworks.

  • Leo and Aquarius Ascendant, you will experience this lunar event exposing the complex dynamics between personal emotional foundations and professional ambitions. The transit will demand a realignment of inner security with external achievements.

  • Pisces and Virgo Ascendant, you will have the Full Moon penetrating your philosophical understanding. It will challenge your intellectual constructs and push you to integrate deeper emotional wisdom into your worldview.

Study this Full Moon in Scorpio and any other transit using the Vedic Astrology Chart Journal


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