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Gandanta Points- Where are the obstacles in my chart, and how can I overcome them?

Gandanta is like the turbulent waters of the ocean during a storm.
Gandanta is like the turbulent waters of the ocean during a storm.

Gandanta points are areas of major transformation in your natal chart where you learn to overcome.

What is a Gandanta?

Gandanta is the point in space between the end of a water sign and the beginning of a fire sign. This occurs 3 times in the zodiac, specifically between the last 48 minutes of the water sign and the first 48 minutes of the fire sign. Cancer to Leo, Scorpio to Sagittarius, and Pisces to Aries. Notice these are all Moksha to Dharma energies. These energies represent the journey between transformation and inspiration. The houses holding these signs will indicate the area of life where you learn to let go and let in the hard way. It's usually an uncomfortable time and this is due to the lack of blended energies between nakshatras. A Gandanta point serves as a hard stop and start for the nakshatras as well. The gandanta journey as seen through the nakshatras is Ashlesha to Magha, Jyestha to Mula, and Uttarabhadrapada to Ashwini.

Gandanta is a feminine to masculine transfer of energy. There must be some form of release or letting go that takes place during a gandanta transit in order to make space for the new incoming information and knowledge that is more conducive to your personal growth. This process can feel uncomfortable and put you in a state of dis-ease while the karmic knot is becoming untied.

Overcoming these difficult periods in life is all about the give and take of feminine and masculine energy. In order to experience growth and not be stuck in your ways, it is important to embrace the change. Flow like water.

Cancer to Leo is a detoxification. Scorpio to Sagittarius is an uncovering and discarding. Pisces to Aries is where we let go of attachments and ascend.

Fire Sign Ascendants

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius Ascendants will have gandanta points where they fall naturally between a moksha and a dharma house. When a natal planet falls in a gandanta point, the transformation is profound and paradigm-shifting. What the planet represents as a karaka and house ruler will endure the symbolic untying of a karmic knot that must take place in this lifetime. This area will be difficult because it will feel bad or uncomfortable to change.

Earth Sign Ascendants

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn Ascendants will have gandanta points between Kama and Moksha houses. When natal planets fall between these two houses, you will feel like the things you enjoy are thinning out and shedding old ways and old things brings about total change. There is a transfer of power from having desires fulfilled to needing to let them go. This loss can feel harsh and sudden but will allow a more connected experience with something beyond the material plane.

Air Sign Ascendants

Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius Ascendants will have gandanta points between Artha and Kama houses. This shows challenge and uneasiness when it comes time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. There is a transfer of power from being the responsible owner to the pleasure-seeking consumer. This untying of the knot can feel awkward and hesitant.

Water Sign Ascendants

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces Ascendants will have gandanta points between Dharma and Artha houses. Challenge and steep hurdles arise when planets are in gandanta in the part of the journey where self-expression and personal inspiration are put to work. There is a transfer of power from being the creator to the owner. This adds responsibility and practicality and slows down the fire quality of a dharma house.

Vedic Astrology Chart Journal

Wherever the Gandanta points fall in your chart will be areas of resistance and breaking down, unraveling,whelm, and a metamorphosis level transformation. When natal planets are here, it is a karmic lesson to uncover. When planets transit through the gandanta points in your natal chart, look for support from your natal planets and the mahadasha period.

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