In Vedic Astrology, your Lagna is the zodiac sign that was rising over the horizion at the time of your birth. There is a new rising Lagna every 2 hours as the Earth rotates on its axis. This means two people born on the same day but with different birth times could have a different Lagna.
So why is Lagna so important?
Well, the Lagna will flavor the entire chart with the qualities of its ruling planet and sign. The placement of your lagna will always be in the 1st house and will set the pattern of the zodiac for the rest of the houses. For instance, if the 1st house is in Taurus , then the 2nd house will be in Gemini, then 3rd in Aries and so on, all the way to the 12th house. The order of the zodiac never changes. It flowed counter clockwise around the chart until you took your first breath then at that very moment a natal chart was formed.
The Natal chart holds all of your karma from past lives and shows you the path of your natal stars.
Below is a North Indian Style Chart with Taurus rising in the 1st house. This entire chart is ruled by Venus because Venus rules Taurus. Venus also rules the sign of Libra. Libra is in the 6th house of obstacles and daily routines in this chart. This means that the ruling planet (aka Lagna Lord) Venus ,who rules over the entire chart, is also ruling over the 6th house. She is bringing a quality of beauty , love , union and desire to these 2 houses.

Gemini is in the 2nd house of wealth, values, speech and resources. Mercury rules Gemini and can make the native very intelligent. Mercury also rules Virgo, who is in the 5th house of creativity, children, intelligence, speculative gains and romance. Mercury will give a playful, curious, yet skilled and detailed quality to the 2nd and 6th house themes.
Moon is your mind, mood, mother, emotions, and where you get your nourishment. Moon rules the sign of Cancer in the 3rd house of communications, self will, ego, media, younger siblings, short travel and friends. The 3rd house shows us how we exert our self will. When the ever changing Moon is ruling the 3rd house native is unsure how to assert boundaries. They hang on to the tiniest shred of pleasure in a situation because they are too content to do anything about it. The higher lesson here is to learn to assert your self will and establish your true values and boundaries.
Sun is your soul and ego. Sun is ruling Leo in the 4th house of home, mother, property, vehicles and nourishment. Sun here give Taurus conviction of the heart and can also cause native to be stubborn.
Mars is ruling Scorpio in the 7th house of relationships and Aires in the 12th house of escape, jails, foreign travel and enlightenment. Mars is the planet of courage, action, strength and is a soldier. Through relationships, Taurus Lagna will experience change and transformation. Partner will be more assertive and will teach Taurus natives to become more willful and learn to step out of their comfort zone to embrace change.
Jupiter is a planet of expansion and luck. Jupiter rules Sagittarius the 8th house of transformation and Pisces in the 11th house of escape, jails, foreign travel, fantasy and enlightenment. Jupiter is teaching Taurus Ascendant that it is not the material object in this world but the connection to the higher self that is the most beautiful.
Saturn brings delays and slows things down and teaches many lessons. A Taurus Lagna will have Saturn ruling Capricorn in the 9th house of father, long distance travel and spirituality and also rules Aquarius in the 10th house of fame, reputation, what you put out into the world. Saturn gives Taurus Ascendant the capacity to learn from their actions and find their true purpose in life.

The first house represents, well, YOU! It shows your soul's purpose and why you were put here on this earth to live out this one, unique experience called life.
You have been given a body to serve as a tool to pay off debts of past karma and if you're fortunate enough your soul will reach the ultimate experience of pure enlightenment.
When reading a birth chart, it is helpful to know the meaning of the houses. Below is a set of keywords to describe what each house represents.

Having a basic knowledge of just a few small principles is all you need to get a general understanding of your own chart. Below is a chart of all the zodiac signs in order and the planet that rules them as well as exaltation sign (sign where planet is the most comfortable). Remembering just some basic keywords and the qualities can give you a deeper knowledge of your chart. Here is a cheat sheet of some keywords that will help you read your chart.

Order your Birth Chart and Natal Report HERE.