The first house is a and a This is very auspicious. It is also the house of your Lagna lord or also referred to as your ascendant. Whatever sign is sitting in the 1st house becomes your ascendant and will flavor the entire chart with its unique qualities. This is why having your exact birth date, time and city is important to properly calculate any chart or report accurately.
1st house is the most important house in the chart. It represents the head, body,ego and is the house of your Ascendant. Signs and planets here will influence your identity of self and ambition in a big way. The 1st house shows us why our soul is here on this earth and in this lifetime to experience.
"The Lagna lord will always show your soul's purpose in this life."
Sun is the Karaka
Karaka is the the planet that is the "enjoyment of the fruit" for a certain house. In this case Sun is the Karaka of the 1st house. As the King, Sun, he loves to be the one in charge; the leader.
Jupiter and Mars find their directional strength here in the 1st house vs. feeling weak and debilitated elsewhere.
If you would like to find out what your ascendant is or if your Mars and Jupiter have directional strength, GET YOUR VEDIC ASTROLOGICAL REPORT HERE to discover yourself in a whole new light.