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Moon and the Vulnerability Scale

In astrology, the Moon rules the sign of Cancer, and in the natal chart, the house where the Moon is located can reveal the area of life where we may be the most vulnerable and insecure. Vulnerability is a natural part of the human experience; all signs have strengths and weaknesses. Awareness of our vulnerabilities can help us grow and develop personally and spiritually. I have created a vulnerability scale of sorts by looking at each sign based on its modality and element. 

On a scale of 1-10, where ten is the most confident, and one is vulnerable, we have the following scores based on element and then modality:

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): 10 

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): 7 

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): 8 

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): 6

Movable Signs (Cardinal): 7 

Fixed Signs: 8 

Dual Signs (Mutable): 6

Then, I combined the two numbers and divided them by two to get the final results based on the element.

  1. Virgo (Earth, Mutable): (7+6)/2 = 6.5

  2. Pisces (Water, Mutable): (6+6)/2 = 6

  3. Cancer (Water, Cardinal): (6+7)/2 = 6.5

  4. Taurus (Earth, Fixed): (7+8)/2 = 7.5

  5. Capricorn (Earth, Cardinal): (7+7)/2 = 7

  6. Scorpio (Water, Fixed): (6+8)/2 = 7

  7. Gemini (Air, Mutable): (8+6)/2 = 7

  8. Libra (Air, Cardinal): (8+7)/2 = 7.5

  9. Aquarius (Air, Fixed): (8+8)/2 = 8

  10. Sagittarius (Fire, Mutable): (10+6)/2 = 8

  11. Aries (Fire, Cardinal): (10+7)/2 = 8.5

  12. Leo (Fire, Fixed): (10+8)/2 = 9

Scale of Vulnerability COPYRIGHT 2024
The Scale of Vulnerability COPYRIGHT 2024

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Fire Sign Ascendants are known for their enthusiasm, impulsive behavior, and adventurous spirit. These individuals usually project strong self-confidence. However, impulsivity may sometimes lead to vulnerability due to hasty decisions. Moon rules the Moksha houses for these signs.

Moksha houses are associated with liberation, spiritual growth, and enlightenment. 

North Indian chart in vedic astrology
Moksha houses

For Aries Ascendant, the 4th house represents home, family, and emotional stability. Those born under this sign may be vulnerable in these areas, particularly regarding their impulsive behavior. They may make hasty decisions regarding their personal life that could lead to instability or emotional turmoil. 

For Leo, the 12th house represents the subconscious, the spiritual realm, and hidden enemies. This placement can make Leos vulnerable to self-sabotage due to their impulsive nature. They may act on their desires without considering the consequences, leading to internal conflict, guilt, and shame. 

For Sagittarius Ascendant, the 8th house represents transformation, death, and rebirth. While this placement can be powerful for spiritual growth and transformation, it can also make Sagittarians vulnerable to issues related to trust and intimacy. They may struggle to release past traumas or have difficulty forming deep connections.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Earth signs are grounded, practical, and usually well-planned, indicating stability and confidence. However, their cautious nature and resistance to change can become vulnerable when adaptability is required. Moon rules the Kama Houses for these three signs. 

The Kama houses represent our desires, wants and hapiness with pleasure.

North Indian chart in vedic astrology
Kama Houses

The 3rd house represents communication, siblings, short trips, and early education in astrology. For Taurus, the vulnerability may lie in their tendency to hold grudges and resist change. They need to learn to let go of past hurts and embrace new experiences in order to grow and evolve.

The 7th house represents partnerships, marriage, and business relationships. For Capricorn Ascendants, the vulnerability may lie in their tendency to become too dependent on their partners or to avoid intimate connections altogether. They may also need help finding a balance between their personal needs and the needs of their partners. 

The 11th house represents social connections, friendships, and aspirations. For Virgo, the vulnerability may lie in their fear of rejection or tendency to isolate themselves. They may also need help defining their goals and finding belonging in their social circles.

What element is your Ascendant?

  • Fire

  • Water

  • Earth

  • Air

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Air signs are intellectual, sociable, and excellent communicators. Their social confidence is often high. However, their tendency to overthink or detach from emotional expressions may contribute to vulnerability in personal relationships. Moon rules the Artha houses for these signs.

The Artha houses refer to the second, sixth, and tenth houses in a natal chart. These houses are associated with wealth, health, career, and material success.

North Indian chart in vedic astrology
Artha Houses

For Gemini, the Moon rules the second house. It relates to personal finances, possessions, and self-worth. Vulnerabilities in this area may struggle with financial stability or may feel insecure about their value as individuals.

For Aquarius, Moon rules the sixth house associated with health, work, and service. Vulnerabilities in this area may include struggling with health issues, having difficulties finding fulfilling work or feeling unfulfilled in their service to others.

For Libra, Moon rules the tenth house associated with career, reputation, and public image. Vulnerabilities in this area may struggle with finding a fulfilling career, feel insecure about their reputation or public image, or have trouble balancing their personal and professional lives.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Water signs are known for their deep emotional intelligence, sensitivity, and intuition. Regarding the vulnerability spectrum, they may show more vulnerability due to high emotional sensitivity. However, this also equips them with vital emotional intelligence, which can be a form of confidence in understanding themselves and others on a deeper level. Moon rules the Dharma houses for all three water signs. 

Dharma houses represent areas of life where we are meant to fulfill our life purpose and find meaning. Water signs are known for their emotional depth and sensitivity, and Dharma houses can reveal the areas of vulnerability. 

North Indian chart in vedic astrology
Dharma Houses

For Pisces Ascendant, the 5th house represents creativity, self-expression, and children. A common area of vulnerability for Pisceans can be around their creative pursuits and self-expression. They may struggle with feelings of self-doubt and fear of judgment from others. 

For Scorpio, the 9th house represents higher learning, spirituality, and travel. Scorpios may experience vulnerability in these areas, particularly when exploring their spiritual beliefs or traveling to unfamiliar places. They may also struggle with feeling like they don't have all the answers or feeling a sense of disillusionment with the world. 

For Cancer, the 1st house represents the self, identity, and physical appearance. Cancers may experience vulnerability around their self-image and sense of identity, particularly if they don't fit in with societal norms. They may also struggle with boundary-setting and asserting themselves in relationships. 

In conclusion, we must be aware of our vulnerabilities as a personal and spiritual growth tool. We can work towards healing and growth by understanding which areas of life we may be the most vulnerable in. Astrology can be a helpful tool in gaining this understanding by studying the position of the Moon in our natal chart. Remembering that vulnerability is a natural part of the human experience can help us approach ourselves and others with compassion and empathy.


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