Quick personal forecast for each ascendant using Sidereal astrology.
Moon in Aries will be a time of focus on self, courage and action. Getting the work done but not being too hot headed. With the Sign ruler in Libra it’s all about balance and compromise of your ideas and emotions.
Mars in Libra could see some confrontation in relationships and around compromise. Avoid trying to control everything related to that house and learn to compromise (Lesson of FULL MOON) Negative actions can travel fast in the air sign of Libra. With our emotions and mind (Moon) in Aries we could get caught up in selfish activities with no regard to others.
Jupiter is looking at the Full Moon and will expand whatever feelings are going on in a big way. He will bring hope and optimism but can also be too much of a good thing.
Aries Ascendant- Full Moon in your 1st house Mars in the 7th house This energy is in full force around you and your relationships either romantic or business related. You may be feeling full of energy and very optimistic, especially with Jupiter’s 5th aspect on Aries but be careful to notice what others are doing around you.
Taurus Ascendant - Full Moon in your 12th house, Mars in your 6th This Full moon’s lesson is trying to tell you its ok get away from the crowd and really do some self-care. Mars is strong in the 6th house and will give the strength you need to heal and recover from those pesky allergies and air born illnesses. Coworkers and pets could be susceptible to sickness this month.
Gemini Ascendant - Full Moon in your 11th, Mars in your 5th This is a very social and creative time for you. Be open minded to new ideas and don’t be afraid to put those ideas to action. Speak your mind but be willing to compromise though ideas with others. This may also be a good time for new romantic relationship and having fun and going on dates. Jupiter’s aspect on your 11th house and Mar’s courage in the 5th house could bring big gains from your creative efforts.
Cancer Ascendant - Full Moon in your 10th, Mars in your 4th This Full Moon is all about the balance of control between your home and career. The actions you do in this world and how they relate to your home life. You may be feeling unmotivated and frustrated at work. Take the time to nourish the relationships on the home front and the let go of the things you cannot control at work right now.
Leo Ascendant - Full Moon in your 9th, Mars in your 3rd Watch out for confrontations with siblings this month or even getting frustrated while traveling. Think before you speak because it may get you into more trouble than you anticipated. Be open minded to other’s ideas and try not to be so stuck in your own ways. Now is the time to listen to others, there may be a big lesson in it for you.
Virgo Ascendant - Full Moon in your 8th, Mars in your 2nd This is going to be a time of dealing with secrets possibly around money especially other people’s money. The need for balance and compromise when it comes to finances. Remember, you cannot control everything. This full moon lesson is to remind you that the best thing you can do it just let go and let someone else have control.
Libra Ascendant - Full Moon in your 7th, Mars in your 1st You may be feeling a little hot headed in your relationships right now. This full moon in asking you to let go of your ego and learn to compromise in your relationships. Jupiter aspects your Moon bringing optimism and hope to the situation but Mars in the 1st house is agitating your emotions.
Scorpio Ascendant - Full Moon in your 6th, Mars in your 12th There is something in your everyday life that you need to let go of, something that is affecting your health in some way. With Mars in your 12th you have the strength to do just that. Jupiter looking at your 6th house will help this change come along.
Sagittarius Ascendant - Full Moon in your 5th, Mars in your 11th This could be a time of creative gains through relationships for you. With your ruling planet Jupiter looking at the Moon in your 5th house of creativity and speculative gains and action Mars in your 11th house of gains.
Capricorn Ascendant - Full Moon in your 4th, Mars in your 10th This is a time for you to really think about the things you have no control over and let go! Jupiter looking onto your 4th house is especially auspicious. Especially on the home front. Use the powerful energy of Mars in your 10th house to create strong business relationships.
Aquarius Ascendant - Full Moon in your 3rd, Mars in your 9th This is a good time to let go of some old ways of thinking. There are new lessons coming into your life, possible from relationships or feminine figure, that you need to make room for. Jupiter looking onto your 3rd house will make this transition easier.
Pisces Ascendant - Full Moon in your 2nd, Mars in your 8th This is a time to let go of some old spending habits. Mars in your 8th house could bring secrets around other people’s money especially in relationships. Jupiter looking at your 2nd house could mean an increase in food and wealth this month.