Scorpio is the sign of great transformation, change and death. Death can sometimes be literal but also it is the death of old ideas, the death of our insecurities and fears. We are only living in this world; we are not this world.
Scorpio comes after the sign of Libra. Libra is all about our relationships with others and sacrifice, compromise and balance. Following Scorpio is Sagittarius all about higher knowledge, wisdom and spirituality. So Scorpio is that in between place where we take the new fears and insecurities that we have generated from relationships with others and we must learn to transform those ideas into something much bigger than ourselves and open our hearts so that we may accept the wisdom & teachings of Sagittarius that are to follow. Before we can accept the truth we must transform our hearts into a vessel that is ready to receive rather than being closed off and drawn inwards towards our fears and delusions of being hurt.
Scorpio is made up of 3 Nakshatras: Vishaka, Anuradha, and Jyestha
Vishaka is all about transforming our insecurities away from fear.
Anuradha is about connecting those transformations to the heart.
Jyestha is about the willingness and courage to fight for the things that have transformed within us.
This months Full Moon will be in Scorpio where it is debilitated. The feeling of instability will be great but it is the lessons of the nakshatras that will transcend our insecurities and feelings of fear and doubt towards a higher purpose. Saturn and Ketu together in Sagittarius is going to fuel this idea into awareness as it shatters our belief system and we are forced to dig deep and truly search for the truth.