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Transit in the Sky: December 2024

December 2nd - Ketu in U.Phalguni Virgo Ketu, the south node of the Moon, is transiting through the lunar mansion of Uttara Phalguni in the sign of Virgo. Ketu, the headless tail of the dragon, is helpless in the Sun-ruled nakshatra of leadership. The combination of Ketu's influence and this lunar mansion indicates detached energy within the ego.

December 7th—Mars Retrograde in Pushya Cancer Mars, the planet of action and energy, is going retrograde in the lunar mansion of Pushya in the sign of Cancer. The Pushya nakshatra is associated with nourishment, growth, and spiritual sustenance. Mars's retrograde motion in this placement can slow down external progress and attach emotion to things of the past. Directing this energy inward brings much introspection and emotional healing.

December 14th—Full Moon in Rohini The Full Moon occurs in the lunar mansion of Rohini, which is associated with creativity, beauty, and wonder. Rohini is ruled by the Moon, and when the Moon is in there, it can produce a restless mind. The Sun in Scorpio wants to purify baseless fears, while the Moon in Taurus wants peace and comfort.

December 14th, 2024, Full Moon in Sidereal Taurus Vedic Astrology
December 14th, 2024, Full Moon in Sidereal Taurus Vedic Astrology

December 16th—Mercury Direct in Anuradha Scorpio Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, is stationed directly in Anuradha Nakshatra in Scorpio. As Mercury goes direct, our thoughts and ideas gain clarity. Anuradha shows that just a glimpse of awareness may be all it takes to overcome and grow.

December 16th - Sun in Sagittarius The Sun, representing our strength and vitality, enters Sagittarius this Month. This brings focus to our beliefs and where our truths reside. A Sun ruled by Jupiter brings integrity and strength together.

December 28th - Saturn in P. Bhadrapada Aquarius Saturn, the planet of discipline, structure, and limitations, is moving into the lunar mansion of Purva Bhadrapada in the sign of Aquarius. This placement can signify a time of examining one's personal and societal structures, boundaries, and the need for responsible, long-term planning. Purva Bhadrapada is associated with the sword. There is a choice between using the sword to defend the helpless and using it to yield power.

December 30th - New Moon in Mula 15° Sagittarius New Moon periods are a great time for shedding old patterns and starting new adventures. Mula Nakshatra emphasizes the importance of having a strong foundation before pursuing a spiritual path. There is a balance needed between our physical and spiritual ambitions as the soul begins its final journey towards a higher awareness.

Let's take a look at where this New Moon takes place for each Ascendant:

Aries - 9th House - Beliefs and Father

Taurus- 8th House - Transformation and In-laws Gemini- 7th House - Relationships and Spouse Cancer: 6th House - Health and Enemies

Leo- 5th House - Creativity and Children

Virgo- 4th House - Private Life and Mother Libra- 3rd House - Effort and Siblings

Scorpio- 2nd House - Wealth and Family

Sagittarius- 1st House - Physical Body and Self

Capricorn- 12th House- Isolation and Higher Power

Aquarius- 11th House - Achievements and Friends

Pisces- 10th House - Public Life and Authority



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