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Transit in the Sky: May 2024

May 1st - The great benefic, Jupiter, enters Taurus and finally gets a break from the pressure of Saturn's 3rd aspect. Jupiter is the Guru, representing wisdom, belief, and hope in our lives. The house Taurus rules in your chart will be expanded and guided by Jupiter's knowledge. Additionally, Jupiter throws his influence on the houses that are 5, 7, and 9 places from Taurus-- Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

Below is a mundane chart of the precise moment Jupiter enters Taurus and can be read as the birth chart for this particular transit of Jupiter. He aspects Ketu (spiritual) in the 5th house (mind) of Virgo (purity) and the Moon (emotional mind), Pluto (power), and Capricorn Ascendant. Depending on your perspective this can be seen as an expansion of the fears that interrupt our peace of mind or a blessing and opening up of our collective consciousness. Jupiter will be trying to share a message with all of us and it is up to us whether or not we are willing to see and receive it.

During this time it will also be important to observe Venus, the ruler of Taurus, and dispositor of Jupiter. Be sure to check out how Jupiter in Taurus will affect you based on your Ascendant here.

May 7th - Amavasya in Aries will begin a new lunar cycle. This new Moon takes place in Bharani Nakshatra. Bharani is represented by the deity Yama - the lord of death and rebirth.

The chart below is at the exact moment the Sun and Moon are conjoined at 23 degrees and 50 minutes of Aries. Also at 23 degrees is Saturn, casting his 3rd aspect onto this new moon. This will bring acute disciplined pressure to this lunar cycle of new beginnings. You can see how this new moon plays out in your ascendant chart in this post here.

May 9th- Akshaya Tritiya is a very auspicious day. This is when the Sun is exalted in Aries while the Moon is exalted in Taurus. Today is an excellent day to start a new venture or begin something that you truly want to succeed. The stars are aligned for success!

May 11th - Mercury enters Aries for a speedy transit through this Mar's ruled sign. Mercury is the planet all about how we use our minds and intellect. This will be a time of new ideas and initiatives. Be careful with how you speak, making sure not to overshare unsolicited opinions rather than truths.

May 14th -Sun enters Taurus and focuses on all things Venusian - comforts, stability, and beauty. Jupiter here can bring abundance and hope while the Sun brings an energy of individuality and vitality.

May 19th - Venus enters Taurus and becomes a strong ruling planet for both Jupiter and Sun who are also in Taurus. This transit of Venus could bring much-needed comforts and stability but be careful not to overindulge in the expansive influence of Jupiter over the next several days. Although both are benefic planets, Jupiter and Venus have conflicting points of view and with the added fixed energy Taurus brings, you might just have to agree to disagree when it comes to sharing our beliefs.

May 22nd Purnima begins in the Nakshatra of Anuradha. This full moon in Scorpio will receive the aspect of two benefic planets- Jupiter and Venus.

May 31st Mercury enters Taurus and joins Jupiter for the next few weeks. Our logic and reasoning can become fixed and comfortable in this earth sign. Consistency and practicality in our thinking are supported. Jupiter's presence here will be a guiding influence on our communications with others.


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